Parent registration stage

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The WebUntis administrator determines for every parent-teacher day a registrateion period . If the beginning of the registration period has started, a respective note is shown after login.








Click on the respective link to get to the planning window.








In area7W_011of the planning window you see a list of teachers of Anton Fischer, the student in this example. The list comprises his (regular) teachers and those he had contact with as e.g. substitute teachers. Next to the name of each teacher you will find the list of subjects this teacher teaches in Anton Fischer's class.


Teachers highlighted in yellow, like the teachers Camus and Schweitzer in our example, asked for an appointment.



In area7W_012you can do the actual planning. You can choose an appointment by clicking on the respective field in the grid. Light grey cells are bookable, dark grey cells are locked. Please note that in area7W_011you can hide columns in area7W_013by clicking the7W_012icon.



The area My appointments shows the appointments already booked.