Main subjects

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Subjects that are considered particularly strenuous or important for students can be marked with the main subject code. This allows the optimisation tool to observe the following restrictions:

Maximum number of main subjects that may be scheduled for a class per day

Maximum number of main subjects that may be scheduled in sequence for a class

Maximum number of main subjects that may be scheduled to take place after a defined boundary period.


To ensure the correct treatment of main subjects during optimisation, enter the following details:




'Subjects | Master Data'


Code (M) Main subject





'Master Data | Classes'


Max. main subjects per day

Max. consecutive main subjects per day





'Weighting | Main subjects'


Respect max. number of main subjects per day for classes

Respect max. number of consecutive main subjects for classes

Boundary period

Main subjects max. once after boundary period

Main subject at least once up to boundary period





For a more detailed description of the boundary period function plesase refer to ' Optimisation - Weighting parameters'.