Creating department timetables

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Once the departmental data have been distributed each department can process its own data in the same way as if the department were the whole school. The scheduler can define the periods of his/her "own" classes and can optimise the department timetable using all the tools that Untis has to offer.


It is also possible to enter additional master data or lessons that are new or that were previously overlooked. Such data are taken into account when the department data are imported into the school file.




Data that have an effect on the complete school, e.g. time grid, should never be modified by the department. Such data are not integrated into the school file, either.


The Untis title bar displayed in each .gpn file of the departments indicates that it is a department file.




All data relating to the department concerned is exported. If cross-departmental resources are used, this data may include classes belonging to another department. In the example of department ME below you can see that 1b, 2b and 3a have been exported in addition to the classes belonging to this department. These classes are assigned to other departments but there are lessons in department ME in which they are involved.





Lesson no. 1 is one of those cross-departmental lessons which involves not only class 1a, but also 1b, 2a and 2b. In general, the department data only comprise those lessons which belong to the department.





Any lesson can now be scheduled, deleted, modified or added in the departmental files. The changes will be integrated into the overall file when the department data are imported into the school file.