Double periods

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Lessons will be scheduled in single periods unless specified otherwise. You have to allow or request double periods in the field "Double pers." of each lesson concerned. Use this field to specify the permitted range of double periods:


An entry of 1-1 indicates that the range is from 1 to 1, i.e. the lesson should be scheduled in exactly one double period.





An entry of 0-1 means that a 2-period lesson can be scheduled in a double period, but it is not an absolute requirement (minimum 0, maximum 1 double period).





An entry of 1-2 means that a 4-period lesson can also be scheduled in one double period or two double periods. The timetable algorithm should decide which variant is best suited from the overall timetable perspective.







Tip: Double-period condition

If it is possible to allow variability in scheduling double periods (e.g. with the 0-1 or 1-2 options), please allow the algorithm to work with these freedoms since this can lead to a significantly better overall result.