Output files for 'static HTML'

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The contents of the individual files are as follows:


default.thtm : Definition of the frame used with a horizontal navigation bar


default_02.thtm : Definition of the frame used with a vertical navigation bar

fuss.thtm : Footer containing by default the address of Gruber&Petters


navbar_h.thtm : Horizontal navigation bar


navbar_v.thtm : Vertical navigation bar


selclass_h.thtm : Fragment for navigation bar for class-by-class selection (horizontal)


selclass_v.thtm : Fragment for navigation bar for class-by-class selection (vertical)


title.thtm : Header containing the Untis version used, the school name and the export date (horizontal navigation bar)


title_02.thtm : Header containing the Untis version used, the school name and the export date (vertical navigation bar)


welcome.thtm : Home page with welcome message