'Timetable' tab

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After the general settings have been made you can specify how the timetables should be output in more detail.


Timetable formats section

This is where you can define which timetables as a general rule you wish to output. For example, if your information system is only intended to be used by students in the break area you will usually not export teacher timetables.


Clicking on a button to the right of the individual element types displays a window in which you can specify which timetable format should be output. The selected format is displayed as the label for each of the buttons.





We recommend that you create your own timetable formats for each of the different information outputs. Please refer to the chapter on "Timetable display" in the user manual for more details on creating formats.





Please bear in mind that there is the possibility to distribute timetables without substitution information in timetable mode.



Please note that the output of the legend can be controlled either via the page layout of the timetable or the print details in the settings of the timetable.




The legend is part of the timetable format and thus is exported with the timetable.



Please refer to chapter Application notes for further details on adapting an existing format.


Output of break supervisions

In addition to the information about which timetables should be exported in which format, if you use the break supervisions module you can also output the supervision plan by checking the 'Corridors' option.





Output of substitution data

If you use the cover planning module all timetables will be exported with the latest information by default. However, you can skip current substitution data by opening the info timetable dialogue in Untis mode and unchecking the box "Timetables with substitution data".