E-mail message

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There are fields available for the e-mail subject and message. You have the possibility of using the following wildcards:


^d= timetable date (e.g. 13.9.2019


^a= current date and time (e.g. 15.03.2019 09:33)


^s= teacher / student short name


^I= teacher / student long name


^f= teacher / student first name


^t= teacher's title




Tip: Change window size

If you want to write a longer text, you can change the size of the window in order to enlargen the text field.



Clicking on the <Send> button launches the e-mail dispatch process.


Any errors that might occur are recorded in the log file. You can view this file by clicking on the <Log file> button.


The log file contains the following information:

 1. Date: send date and time

 2. Short name: short name of the teacher or student to whom the e-mail was sent

 3. Recipient's e-mail address

 4. Subject line of the e-mail

 5. Transmission status: OK or, if applicable, error number and error message in the case of problems