Functions in exams window

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Use the combo boxes for class level and class in the toolbar to restrict the display and input to a particular class level (year) or class. For example, selecting a class results in only those exams being displayed taken by at least one student in the class.


Only courses and students of this class will be listed in the course and student selection dialogues.





>Display whole school year

The two date fields below the toolbar can be used to restrict the display of exams to a particular range of time. Only those exams will be listed that fall within the specified time range. You can use the <Display whole school year> to switch to a complete list of exams for the entire school year.


New exam

Click on the button when you wish to enter a new exam. Alternatively, you can simple select the empty row in the exam list.


Copy exam

Use this function to copy an entire exam (including participating students, teachers and rooms).


Delete exam

Select the desired exams and then click on this button to delete one or more exams.


Divide exam

You can use this function to generate n exams with one course each from an exam with n different courses. This makes it possible, for example, to transfer all the courses of a cluster to an exam (without clashes), to divide the exam finally to have each exam take place in a different room or in a different period. Use this function if you want to schedule exams in clusters and want to import them to WebUntis.


Conflicting courses

Use this button to open the ' Course conflicts ' window displaying all courses being held simultaneously with the courses in this exam and taken by at least one of the students participating in the exam.


Make relevant for cover planning

With this function you import the selected exams into cover scheduling. This function is only available in combination with the Cover scheduling module. Regarding the interaction of Untis with WebUntis you need to be aware that the exam data are always imported with the cover scheduling data. If an exam is not active for cover scheduling it will not be imported to WebUntis and therefore it will not be shown there.



The setting function allows you to specify how many exams a student may take in any one week. If this limit is exceeded when you enter an exam, a warning will be displayed and the student will be listed in the right window pane highlighted in purple. Additionally you can enter a Default statitical code for the selection of students for an exam.


