Integral optimisation

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Integral optimisation schedules all courses in clusters, and at the same time assigns students to different alternative courses. Practical use shows that Partial optimisation often is difficult and cumbersome for the user, since selecting the ideal subsets needs a lot of experience and intuition. This is why an algorithm for integral optimization has been developed which takes over exactly this task. It selects subsets according to different parameters and starts partial optimisation.


You can start integral optimisation on the ‘Course scheduling’ tab by clicking on Integral optimisation.





In the optimisation dialogue you can select additional options such as weighting, etc. (see screenshot above).


The most important option is Avoid errors with double periods . Only if you check this box, the double periods conditions you have entered for the courses will be taken into account.


Respect time requests

Integral optimisation (and Partial optimisation described below) takes the time requests of the elements involved into account when generating clusters. If, e.g. a lesson is always blocked in the morning, and another in the afternoon, these two courses are not going to be scheduled in the same cluster. The system rather tries to set up all clusters in such a way that all courses involved show the same (or at least similar) blockings.