Swap suggestions

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In addition to the swap suggestions offered to you when you drag and drop a lesson there is a separate function providing you with additional possibilities.


Via the 'Scheduling' tab you can open a window group for 'Sugggested swaps'.





Alternatively this function can be accessed via the <Suggested swaps> button for each individual timetable of a class.





2-way, 3-way and 4-way swaps are suggested for the class. The 'Gain' column indicates whether the timetable would improve (positive values) or deteriorate (negative values) based on the data entered.

With the <Refresh> button the swap suggestion is adjusted to the active period in the timetable.


The 'Conseqnc.' column displays the worst conflict that the respective swap would cause, if the timetable is likely to see a deterioration. If, on the other hand, the timetable is likely to see an improvement (positive value in the 'Gain' column) the category where the largest improvement took place will be displayed.


Possible swap suggestions are indicated in the timetable by red arrows. Clicking on the <Swap> button performs the selected swap.





Cross-class suggestions


It is often necessary to perform swaps across several classes. To do this, check the box ‘With class leaps' in the 'Suggested swaps' window.




The religious education period for class 1b on Monday, 1st period is to be swapped. The swap with the math period would bring an improvement of 164 points ('Gain' column). The potential gain is high, because fewer main subjects would be on prior to the boundary period on Thursday. However, it can only be performed without a clash if a second swap is effected at the same time.

Teacher Aristotle, who teaches physics to class 4, has a lesson planned with them on Monday, first period of the day. The so-called leap class is therefore class 4 and this indicated in the 'Leap cl.' column. The possibilities of moving this lesson of Aristotle with class 4 are displayed in the lower section of the 'Suggested swaps' window. The best possibility would, however, lead to a deterioration in the schedule of Aristotle of 119 points since it would result in a violation of one of his time requests-2. The difference in the evaluations of both swaps (+164 - 119) is displayed in the 'Total' column (+45).





Nur verschiedene Lehrer


If a teacher takes a class for more than one subject, it is often undesirable for swaps to be offered between these subjects. Checking the 'Only different teachers' box results in such swaps not being displayed.