Levels of rights

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Several rights have four levels:

1. No rights
Functions may not be executed and data not displayed. The corresponding menu items are deactivated or an appropriate message will be displayed when an attempt is made to perform a function.

MU_19_026  MU_19_027


2. Read only
Dialogues and windows can be opened and data will be displayed; however, changes will not be allowed (e. g. view the timetable).

3. Edit views
This right is an add-on to "Read only". It also allows new views to be created and existing ones to be modified. However, data cannot be changed.

4. Edit
Data can be modified as desired.








In our example you can see the user group "Administrator" - which cannot be changed - and another three user groups, one for the head office, one for the timetable scheduler and one for the substitutions planner.


The difference between 'Read only' and 'Edit views'


The difference between the two levels "Read only" and "Edit views" should become clearer with the following example. Please pay close attention to the different settings for the Timetable right for the different user groups.




The head office has 'Read only' rights, but the substitution planners may also edit views.









As you can see in the figure, "Read only" allows no change to the data whatsoever. The level "Edit views" permits opening timetable settings, as well as selecting adjustments to timetable formats, in order to create new views, for instance.


In neither case is it possible to change, shift or unschedule existing lessons (in the timetable mode).




This rule applies only to private views. As soon as a view is made "public" and can thus be accessed by all users, only users with the user right "Administration" can make changes. Read more about private and public views in the corresponding chapter .


It is therefore possible for e.g. people in the head office to create new views and modify existing ones but not to change the data. However, this should not be allowed at publicly accessible teacher terminals.