Saving to .gpn files

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It is sometimes useful to save data stored in the database to a .gpn file. For example, a scheduler may wish to work at home at the weekend and does not have a connection to the network.


The following rules apply with regard to views:

During the export of data to a .gpn file all private views of the active user as well as all public views will be written to the .gpn file.

If you subsequently create new views in the .gpn file and you transfer the file back to the database then the new views will be stored as'private' views.





Public views are flagged as such internally in the .gpn file, too If you flag views as public in the database after export to the .gpn file then you will lose the changes when you transfer the .gpn file back to the database.


Changes to views are not taken into account when you merge data from a .gpn file into the database.