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Errors and input weaknesses are described in greater detail below. The following example provides a brief introduction to the percentage planning function.

1.Open the file demo2.gpn.

2.Delete all timetables via the menu item 'Scheduling | Reset the Timetable' on the 'Start' tab.

3.An information window appears. Click <OK>.

4.Carry out a timetable optimisation run (via the 'Optimisation' button on the 'Start' tab) and enter the value 30 in the field '% of periods to be scheduled'.

5.Display the timetable for class 1a (go to the 'Start' tab, click on the 'Classes' button and go to 'Class timetable portrait').


The timetable for class 1a should correspond approximately to the timetable shown in the figure below. There may be slight variations in display depending on the software version you are using.


Please note that as mentioned before, your percentage entry applies to the entire school and not to individual classes. The example shows that less than 30% of the periods for class 1a have been scheduled. The software scheduled proportionately more periods for other classes. This shows that this class has less difficult lessons than any other class.

6.        Click on the subject 'Design'.





The period details window shows that the subject Design is difficult to schedule because three teachers are involved in the lesson (Andersen, Gauss and Curie) and two rooms are required (the Workshop and the Textiles workshop). Furthermore, another class (1b) takes part in the lesson. If Untis attempted to schedule this lesson towards the end of the optimisation run, the software would find it much more difficult to find a slot on the timetable that would suit all teachers, rooms and classes involved in the lesson.


When the percentage scheduling function is unable to schedule periods, you can assume that inaccuracies and errors during data input are to blame.