The CCC window

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As you can see in the upper part of the window, there are 82 lessons and 16 couplings, resulting in over 3 million combinations that need to be analyzed.


The middle part of the window

The middle part of the window shows a table of all CCCs listed in rows. The first column contains the total number of periods per week involved in each chain. The figures on the right are the lesson numbers of the lessons involved in the chains. The table also displays the abbreviated names of teachers in brackets next to some of the elements. The purpose of this function is described in a later chapter.





The CCC details window

If you click on an entry in the middle part of the window, the bottom part of the window - the details window – is refreshed. In the example lesson 80 (Ander) was selected. In the details window the cell with lesson number 80 and the cell with the number of periods per week are now shaded light blue. Several other cells are now shaded red.


The details window now displays the following information: the elements involved in lesson 80 with a total of 2 periods per week are the class 4 and the teachers Ander and Curie.


Some lessons involve several classes and teachers (e.g. No. 6, 3 classes, 7 teachers). In this case all elements involved are listed next to each other in the columns 'Classes' and 'Teachers'.


The cells shaded red highlight the reason why the displayed lesson cannot be scheduled at the same time as the lesson selected in the middle part of the window. Lesson 80, for instance, cannot be scheduled at the same time as lesson 5, since both lessons involve class 4. Lesson 6,however, involves a different class, but it cannot be scheduled at the same time as lessons 82, 80 or 26, since they are taught by teacher Ander.