Section: Teachers 1

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Avoid having just one period in a half-day for teachers

When a teacher has lessons on a half-day, a high weighting ensures that the teacher will teach more than one period.


Optimisation of NTPs for teachers

In the 'Teachers | Master Data' window, you have entered values for maximum and minimum numbers of NTPs (Non Teaching Periods). Use this slide to control the level of compliance with the specified settings.


Avoid creating double NTPs for teachers

In addition to controlling single NTPs, you can give penalty points for each double NTP scheduled by the software during optimisation.


Respect lunch break for teachers

Applies to the settings entered for minimum/maximum length of lunch break for teachers under 'Teachers | Master Data'.


Respect subject sequence for teachers

Controls the level of importance of the subject sequence codes entered in one of the 'Lessons' windows or in the 'Subjects | Master Data' window. For further details, please refer to chapter 'User tips: Subject sequences'.

Respect breaks at beginning and end of day

Controls the level of importance of breaks at the beginning and the end of a day entered on the 'Timetable' tab under 'Teachers | Master Data'. For further details on breaks at the beginning and the end of the day, please refer to chapter 'Master data properties'.