Reports for the lessons

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users - Activates reports per lesson: <Lessons> | <My lessons> and <Lessons> | <Lessons: Classes>.




If you check this box it is automatically applied to ALL data!





If the ' Class register ' right is assigned to the user group, this specific right (Reports for the lessons) becomes obsolete since the reports are automatically shown by the class register.


MaleBoss - Access to reports for lessons: <Lessons> | <My lessons> and <Lessons> | <Lessons: Classes>.


Clipboard - Access to reports for lessons: <Lessons> | <Lessons: Classes>.


PersonPeople - No access!




If the right 'Reports for lessons' is activated for the teacher user group, teachers can generate reports for their own lessons: <Lessons> | <My lessons>, and reports to lessons of all classes: <Lessons> | <Lessons: Classes>. By assigning the ' Class register ' right, the same function is activated, plus several types of reports are available.


If the user group has the ' Class register' right without the 'All' option, and if the 'Report for lessons' right is deactivated, then the user group can only generate reports for their own lessons: <Lessons> | <Lessons: Classes>.