Class register

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users - Universal right to use functionality of class register.




The global right: 'Class register' provides teachers and class teachers with the possibility to administer absences, and to enter teaching content and homework for their lessons. The additional right ' Teaching content ' and ' Homework ' are not necessary to assign if you assign this right.


Teachers can administer absences in their lessons and they can enter teaching content and homework to their lessons.





Activates the following menu items: <Class register>:

oOpen periods/teacher

oOpen periods /class


oAbsence times


The rights are limited to the class(es) of class teachers/form teachers, e.g. a class teachers/form teachers can administer absences only for his/her class(es): <Class register> | <Absences>.


Activates <Lessons> | <Lessons: Students> for accessing the user’s own class(es).

Activates <Lessons> | <Lessons: Classes> | <Report> for the user’s own class(es).

Activates <Lessons> | <My lessons> | <Report> per lesson

Activates for <Lessons> | <My lessons> | <Appointments> the following functionalities:
- Access to the main page of the electronic class register, teaching content and homework.
- On the main page of the class register the following activities can be carried out: absence control, information on students, display of exemptions, administration of seat map, display of student pictures, sorting of student list, display of class service.

Activates in the user’s own timetable in the 'Details of the period' the buttons 'Class register' and 'Teaching content'.

Activates in the class timetable of the user’s own class(es) in the 'Details of the period' the buttons 'Class register' and 'Teaching content'.




Activates <Class register> | <Open periods periods/teachers> for checking user‘ own open periods.

Activates <Lessons> | <My lessons> | <Reports> per lesson

Activates the following functionalities for <Lessons> | <My lessons> | <Appointments>:
- Access to the main page of the electronic class register, teaching content and homework.
- On the main page of the class register the following activities can be carried out: absence control, information on students, display of exemptions, administration of seat map, display of student pictures, sorting of student list, display of class service.

Activates in the user’s own timetable in the 'Details of the period' the buttons 'Class register' and 'Teaching content'




Activates <Class register> | <Absences> to view the user’s own absences, to download letters of excuse and of the absence report.

Activates <Class register> | <Absence times>


Clipboard - The 'Class register' right does not have any effect for this user group without the right: 'All' or additional rights such as 'Administration of student absences'.






It is not necessary to assign the right: ALL to teachers/class teachers!





In addition to the aforementioned items, the right: ' Alle ' provides the possibility to access all class registere of all classes.

The menu item <Class register> | <Open periods: Class> is activated for teachers and the headmaster office, which allows them to view all open periods of all classes and colleagues.

Via <Lessons> | <Lessons: Classes> you can generate reports to all lessons, and in this view you can access any class register via 'Appointments'.

In the timetable view you also can access and enter data into any class register by clicking on a period.

Via <Lessons> | <Lessons: Students> you can view the lessons of all students.




The right: ' Alle ' does not have any effect for students and parents or legal guardians.