Enter grades

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users - Activates the possibility for teachers to enter grades and for students and parents and legal guardians to view grades.




The right to enter grades is not automatically assigned in combination with the global right: ' Class register '. You need to explicitly assign this right to the required user group in order to be able to enter grades.





With this right, teachers can enter grades for students they teach.

They can either enter the grades directly in the class register or via <Lessons> | <My lessons> and/or <Lessons> | <Lessons: Classes> by clicking on the student icon (Students in lesson).

Class teachers/form teachers have the additional right to enter grades for the students of their own class at any time.


PersonPeople - Can read their own grade overview per lesson or the grade overview per child: <Lessons> | <My lessons>.


Clipboard - No access!




In combination with the right: ' Examinations ' the teachers get the permission to enter grades to their exams. If you assign this right (without the 'All' option) to the teacher user group, WebUntis implicitly activates the possibility for class teachers/form teachers to create exams for their classes and to also enter grades.