Student assignment

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The right to assign students to a certain lesson by a subject teacher.

There are two ways of assigning students. Go to <Lessons> | <My lessons> | <Student groups> or to <Lessons> | <Lessons classes> | <Student groups>.


Read: View student groups and the students assigned to them.

Write: Assigning of students to student groups.

Create: Create new student groups. It is also possible to choose between several existing student groups as far as they have been created before.

Delete: Delete student groups.





Student groups should exclusively be imported from Untis!





We have summarised all details on student groups in a specific document on our homepage.




Male - “User’s“ affects all student groups of lessons to which the teacher him/herself is assigned to teach.


Boss - The set rights for the class teacher have the same effect as the rights set for the teacher, however, “User’s” has a broader meaning here. The class teacher has permission to additionally access student groups to which students of his/her class are assigned to, but which he is not teaching!


PeoplePersonClipboard -  No access!



All: Danger


MaleBossClipboard - Can access all student groups of all lessons.


PeoplePerson -  No access!




Teachers should be able to assign students to the correct student group when they teach a split group. Additionally the respective teachers should be able to view the other teachers’ student assignments.



This combination of rights enables the respective user group to assign students to their own lessons. Additionally they can view other teacher’s student assignments.




Viewing student groups of colleagues: Go to <Lessons> | <Lessons classes> | <Student groups>. If the right: '