Timetable Student

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users - View a student’s timetable: <Timetable> | <Student>.





User’s: Only the timetable of the user’s students. “User’s students” means:


Person - The student him/herself.


People - Related children.


Boss - Students of classes in which the user is class teacher.


ClipboardMale - No access!



All: All timetables of all students.Danger


MaleBossPersonPeopleClipboard - Can view all student timetables!




This right should be set to 'Rea' for class teachers, students and parents or legal guardians, so that the users are able to view their own timetable, the timetable of the students he/she teaches or of their own children.

You can set the right to 'All' for headmaster and headmaster office which will give them the right to view all timetables of all students.