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Over the course of more than 40 years of development, Untis has become an extremely powerful tool. The large number of functions and possible settings, as well as the size of this manual, may have a daunting effect on newcomers to the application.


For this reason we would recommend that you first study the considerably shorter manual ' Getting Started '. 'Getting Started' uses easy-to-understand examples to guide you through all the steps of timetable creation with Untis, from installation , adding school data to your school's master data and entering lessons to the actual creation of the timetable using Optimisation , the diagnosis of the calculated timetable, possible manual changes and printing finished teacher, class and room schedules.


The structure of this manual is also based around this natural basic structure. However, it is intended to be more of a work of reference than a brief guide.


For this reason, use this manual when in the course of creating your timetable you encounter situations that are not dealt with in 'Getting Started', or when you wish to take the time to get to know Untis in greater detail in order to be able to work more effectively with the system.