Team optimisation

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It is important to carefully consider how couplings and the formation of teaching teams should be modelled since the way lessons are planned can depend on this.


Planning becomes increasingly difficult the more teaching teams there are. It is easier if a teacher appears more often in fewer teams than if he/she teaches the same number of periods in a large number of different teams. Every additional teaching team that a teacher belongs to limits the extent to which he/she can be scheduled and conversely the extent to which a team can be scheduled.


For this reason team optimisation attempts to reduce the number of teams.


In the process the following is taken into consideration:

The teacher's number of hours may not change.

The teacher will only be assigned to lessons which he/she is qualified to teach.


Performing team optimisation

Team optimisation is invoked via 'Modules | Lesson planning | Teacher qualification | Team optimisation'. A window is displayed containing the current number of teaching teams ('before optimisation').



Clicking on the <Team optimisation> icon causes Untis to search for teachers who can be exchanged between the individual teams in order to reduce the total number of teams. When the search ends, all the exchanges found are displayed as well as the new number of teaching teams.





Clicking on the <OK> button accepts the team optimisation; clicking on <Cancel> retains the original teams.


Reducing the number of teaching teams results in more scheduling options being available for the optimisation process. This makes for better timetables.