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One of the biggest administrative tasks when planning the new school year is the allocation of all the work among the teaching staff.


The following must be considered:

The teachers must accomplish a certain workload. This target value depends on the type of school and the national school system, but also sometimes on the age and training level of the teacher. Usually the number of lessons to be held per week (e.g. 24 lessons per week for a full-time teacher and 12 for a teacher with a part-time contract) are entered. There are duties that do not appear in the timetable but which are part of the weekly working hours (school management, subject mentoring, library administration etc.). Such duties are taken into account in the form of reductions .

A teacher must be found with the appropriate teaching qualification for every lesson that is to be held.

In order to guarantee the students continuous education a teacher should if possible accompany a class over several years .

The workload must be distributed among all the teachers fairly and evenly. This applies both to teaching as well as to those duties that are included in the working hours in the form of reductions.

When scheduling, the task of calculating the workload is often complicated. The value of a lesson frequently depends on the subject , class level or even on the teacher ’s contract of employment.

Screen masks and reports should give insight into the details but at the same remain as clear and comprehensible as possible.



The Untis 'Lesson planning and value calculation' module assists you with this task by providing the following functions:

Teaching qualification : You can enter those (groups of) subjects for every teacher that he/she is allowed to teach.

Teacher suggestion : For each lesson you can have Untis propose teachers who are eligible to teach it.

Teacher assignment : You can also have Untis automatically perform the assignment of teachers .

Subject bottlenecks : Subjects for which there are (too) few qualified teachers cause problems when planning lessons. The 'subject bottleneck' function determines possible bottlenecks in lesson planning.

Lesson matrix : Allows an overview of how lessons are distributed in the form of a matrix.

Lesson table (syllabus) : By defining the school type this view helps you to check whether each class of a certain school type has been allocated the prescribed number of weekly lessons in each subject.

Value calculation : Lesson planning is always particularly difficult when lessons for different subjects are weighted differently, e.g. when a maths lesson is 'worth more' than a music lesson. Untis lesson planning allows you to enter the information you require for value calculation for the subjects, classes, teachers and lesson. You can find the total values for the whole school that are important for statistical purposes on their own index card.