Lesson proposal

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This function can be seen as the equivalent of the teacher suggestion for lessons


Untis can propose suitable lessons for teachers who do not have sufficient periods in order to meet their contractual teaching commitment. Select toolbar icon <Lesson proposal> under 'Teachers | Lessons'. A list of lessons will be displayed for which no teachers have been entered so far (? teachers).


The lesson proposal can be displayed taking into account the teaching qualification and - if you use the department timetable module - the departments.


The lessons displayed are either on a green, white or red background.





Green denotes lessons that, when this teacher is allocated, do not cause a new teaching team to be created. This means lessons without teacher coupling or lessons with teachers who already form a teaching team with the current teacher.

White denotes lessons that when allocated lead to the creation of a new teaching team, but where the teacher is not active in the team for more than eight periods.

Red denotes lessons that, when allocated, lead to the creation of a new teaching team with the teacher already being active in teaching teams for nine or more periods. Allocating this lesson would lead to constraints on the optimisation of the timetable.


The figure above shows the lesson proposals for teacher Curie from the Demo2.gpn file. All lessons are displayed with a green background - except for the last one. There is no coupling for the first five lessons in the list - she would take the sixth (L-No 71) with teacher Gauss. As she already takes lesson number 48 with the same teacher (as you can see e.g. from the list of teaching teams lower down) there would be no new teaching team created; for this reason the lesson has a green background.


The last lesson in the list - No. 5 - has a red background. One of the two coupling teachers is teacher Callas with whom teacher Curie does not take any common lessons. Selecting this lesson would lead to the creation of a new team.


Teacher teams


You can print or display the teaching teams from the open teacher master data window by selecting <Print> or <Print preview>, list type 'Teaching teams'. This list also contains the time requests of the teachers concerned.


