Target teaching lessons

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Open the view 'Teachers | Master data' from the file demo2.gpn, expand the form view and switch to the 'Values' tab.





The values entered and displayed in this window are principally concerned with value calculation and are described again in detail in the corresponding chapter.


If you do not use the value calculation part of the lesson planning module - that is, if you have not entered any factors for subjects, classes or teachers - the number of periods per week and the value units are equivalent for Untis.


At this point only the following input elements and displayed values are important:

1.Periods/week: Here you can see how many lesson periods have been scheduled for the teacher.

2.Reductions: The actual weekly value does not just include lessons held. This will be explained in more detail in the ' Reductions ' chapter.

3.Plan/week: Enter the desired workload for the teacher in periods per week (e.g. 25 periods per week).

4.Plan/week max: This value only plays a role if you intend using automatic teacher assignment .

5.Value units : The scheduled weekly periods for a teacher can differ from the actual weekly periods as a result of factors or reductions .

6.Actual-planned: This indicates the difference between the teacher's target weekly periods and the actual scheduled workload. A negative value means that the teacher has not yet been allocated his/her target.

7.Free for teacher: This field displays the number of periods which have not yet been allocated a teacher and which the current teacher is qualified to take. You will find a more detailed description of the topic teacher qualification in the corresponding section.

8.Factor You can use this factor to adjust the values of a teacher. The value that you enter here will be multiplied with the number of periods per week.

9.Yearly average : The yearly average is the average lesson value taken over all terms.