Change elements

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For changing an element, select the respective period in the class or teacher timetable and click right to open the context menu. Click on 'Special duty / Change period'. The dialogue already has all information of the period you selected. You now can change any master data element of the period.





Changing an element has various consequences.


Change class

You can change the class in this dialogue by selecting a different class in the 'Class' selection field and clicking on <OK>. This change cancels the lessons of the class you entered before. If a clash occurs with the class you selected, the lesson originally scheduled for this class will also be cancelled. Additionally, 'Lesson changed' will be generated. This line contains information on which element was changed.





Change teacher

Open the 'Teacher' selection field for selecting a different teacher. Via 'Only available teachers' you make clear if you want to see all teachers or only those who do not teach at this time. Select another teacher. If this teacher does not have a lesson, a special duty is generated. If this teacher is already scheduled for a lesson you will be asked, how you would like to proceed.





Select one option and click on <OK>.



Change subject

If you only change the subject of a lesson, it will show as 'Lesson changed' in the substitution list.


Change room

If you change the room of a lesson this way, a room substitution will occur




Note: Change lesson via 'Special duties' window

You can make any of the aforementioned changes via the 'Special duties' icon in the ribbon. In doing so you have the disadvantage that you miss out on information on the originally scheduled lesson, and that you need to fill in all fields anew. We therefore recommend to make any of the aforementioned changes in the timetable as described above .