Exam window

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The 'Exam' window is also available to you without the 'Course Scheduling' module. Go to the 'Cover scheduling' tab, click on the little arrow to the right of the 'Events' button, click on 'Exams'.





The window you now see shows a list of all exams of the selected time range on the left side. You can define the time range you want to see by adjusting the date fields. The button <Total school year>VP_19_098helps you to quickly switch between your selected time range and the total school year. The selection windows in the toolbar of the window helps you to additionally reduce the view to individual classes.


In the right part of the window you can enter exams directly by clicking on the 'New exam' button and start with creating the exam. For more details on how to create an exam in the 'Exams' window can be found in the course scheduling manual in the chapter 'Exam scheduling | The exams window'. In the manual the term 'scheduling of courses' is used which also includes all lessons. Please note that you need to activate exams you create this way for cover scheduling so that exams, and substitutions and cancellations caused by the exam will be shown in the substitution list.