Timetable changes and cover scheduling

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If the timetable changes during the school year, you can use the functions of theMultiple termsmodule. This module allows you to manage several different timetables in one file, meaning that all substitution data is in one file as well. The big advantage of having all the data of one school year in one .gpn file is that you can make statistical evaluations over the whole school year at any time – even if timetable changeswere necessary during the school year


Example: Terms and cover scheduling

The timetable has to be altered from 1 February and the specific timetables of several teachers and classes have to be changed.


Create a new term starting with 1 February and modify the timetable in this term. Cover planning can be used as usual. The basis for cover scheduling as of 1 February is the new timetable. Even shifts are possible across the boundary of two terms.


If you had already entered substitutions in the time range of the new timetable then they are checked for consistency and – if applicable – deleted. Substitutions already edited can be changed to open substitutions if necessary (e.g. the assigned substitute teacher has to teach his own lesson).




Note: Checking substitutions

If you have already edited substitutions and then the timetable was changed later on, it might be necessary to update the substitution data in the shown time range of the substitution window by clicking on the <Check substitutions> in the Substitution diagnosis .