Handling lists


Master data elements as well as users, user groups, lock-out times etc. are initially displayed in a list.





Via the links (1,2,3,4,...) at the end of the list you can go from screen to screen. The number of lines that are to be displayed on one screen can be adjusted in under item <Administration| Settings>.



The details of each element will be displayed on their own page when you click on <Edit> in this list.



If you wish to add a new element, click on the <New> button. This displays a special page where you can enter the attributes for the new element. After confirming your input with <Save>, you will be returned automatically to the list view.



You can delete elements by checking them in the 'Selection' column and clicking on the <Delete> button.



You can search for a specific element by entering its short (or long) name in the 'Search' field. It is sufficient to enter a part of the name in the 'Search' field. The system will list all results containing the value entered.



Clicking on the header changes the sort order temporarily.

For a permanent sort order click on the <Sort> button and click the box 'User-defined sort order'. Then click on the column heading once more by which you wish to sort. When you confirm with <Save> the elements will be output in this sequence each time they are accessed in a screen, a report or a selection.





If a general sort order is defined, individual elements such as the assembly hall can still be displayed at the top of the list by rearranging the sort order using the 'Sort order' field .