Basic settings

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Basic settings are made in the navigation menu under <Administration> | <Settings>. As a matter of principle, these basic settings apply to all users, but they can be adapted to match the special requirements of a group or user in the user group (e.g. session timeout) or in the user profile (e.g. language).





In the following several settings are explained:


Im Folgenden sollen einige Einstellungen beschrieben werden.



Select the global language for your WebUntis. Users can then select the language they prefer via their own profile.


First day of the week

Here you can select which day of the week should be the first day displayed in your timetable view.



You can embed your school logo in WebUntis here. All users will see it at the top left after they have logged in.



Note: DeleteBrowser cache

It is very likely that your local browser will cache images. This means that whenever you upload a new image it is possible that it is not immediately displayed. Explicitly delete the cache of your browser after uploading so that you can see the current image.


Telephone number of the school

You can enter a text and the phone number of your school. This entry is displayed on the top right of the dynamic office hour list. An example for this would be: 'Please call in advance: 01 4444 4444'


Number of login-failures before account is blocked

This option defines how often a user can unsuccessfully log in before his or her account is blocked. The default value is 8.


Duration the account is blocked

Defines how many minutes a user’s account is blocked before he or she is permitted to try it again. The default value '0' means that the account is blocked forever, without any end time.


User group for self-registration of parents

As soon as a user group has been selected here, you activate the self-registration feature as administrator. Self-registration can be seen afterwards in the logged-out area. Self-registered users are automatically integrated in this user group:





Session Timeout

The session timeout is the time after which inactive users will be automatically logged out of the system. The maximum time that can be set is one hour. The default value is 30 minutes. You also can define per user group how long the Session Timeout should be.



Publish messages of the day as RSS Feed

The messages of the day which you create via <Administration> | <Messages of the day> can be subscribed to by your users via RSS. This means that messages of the day can also be read outside of WebUnits (time-delayed).


Main system for student and teacher contact details

When you check this option, all information on address and contact details of students and teachers (e.g. e-mail address) coming from Untis are ignored.


General filter for departments

This filter for departments is meant especially for larger (high) schools, since by checking this option it globally triggers the display of a department filter (top right in WebUntis) and a filter for the timetable in WebUntis.


Preselect the department of the user

WebUntis automatically selects the department of the user whenever the user logs into WebUntis.


Students may send messages only to their class teachers

If you provide WebUntis users with the possibility to send messages, you can limit students to the option to only be able to send messages to their from / class teachers.


Students may only see public news

Students see only public messages of the day.


Always forward internal messages to the recipients’ e-mail address

By checking this option the administrator defines, whether all internal messages should be forwarded to the e-mail addresses of the users.



Note: Global vs. Individual settings

When the forwarding of messages is not globally activated in the administration settings, every user can decide him/herself in his/her profile whether internal messages should be forwarded to his/her personal e-mail account or not. When the administrator checks the global option, it is not possible any more to change this setting individually – every user is forwarded new messages to his/her personal e-mail account, as well.



Block the users of inactive students only after the end of the school year

It sometimes happens that students are deactivated in the master data, however, they need to be able to work with WebUntis. In such cases you simply activate this option.



Note: Temporary exit of students

You can set an exit date. When no re-entry date is set, the student user will be blocked and login is not possible any more. However, if the student has a re-entry date set, the student user can log into WebUntis without any problems.



Default date for the student import

Here you preselect the date for importing master data (<Master data> | <Students> | 'Import' button).


Cancel the activity if a single room is declined (Agenda module)

When booking an activity the entire activity is cancelled if a single room is declined.


Additional remarks for resource report (Agenda module)

This remark is displayed in the report for individual resource bookings.


Email to the person in charge for the room bookings (Agenda module)

In the master data for rooms you can define a person in charge for a room. When this option is checked, this person then receives an e-mail as soon as the room is booked.


e-mail address administrator

The 'e-mail address administrator' field is where you enter the e-mail address of your WebUntis administrator and which will be used to e.g. receive important messages of the WebUntis product management.


e-mail address timetabler

In the field 'e-mail address timetabler' you enter the e-mail address of the person to be notified if an error occurs while transferring the data from Untis.

Data transfer from Untis to WebUntis runs in part asynchronously, which is why the mail function is important to ensure that you are notified of any import error messages.


Use the e-mail address of the user in the reply-to field

Checking this option means that after automatic forwarding of an internal message, an e-mail can be sent directly to the sender by clicking the ‘reply to’ button. It therefore is not necessary any more to log into WebUntis to reply to messages – communication is done via e-mail.


SMS (text message) module

When sending a text message, you can choose which group of persons should receive the message. In vocational schools, for instance, the group may include the instructors of the companies they are working for, with minor students it may include the parents/legal guardians.


Under <Administration> | <Settings> you can pre-select default settings:


