Import profile

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hen import is launched you can define in the import profile which entry in the text file with the students corresponds to which parameters in WebUntis.


You can now give this import profile a name and save it according to its field allocation for later purposes. Then select the separator for your text file. In the example above the separator would be the semicolon.


In the section underneath you will see all the entries available for a student in the export file on the left. There may well be entries here that you do not need, therefore they will not be imported.



The left section now shows the entries in the first row of the text file (i.e. the first student or the header row). Use the selection lists to identify the individual fields.


You know, for example, that the last name of the student displayed is 'Müller'. Click on the selection box next to this name and set the parameter to 'last name'.





Make this allocation for all parameters that you wish to import into WebUntis.


Clicking on the <Save> button will save this import profile so that you do not have to assign a subsequent import once again.


Student data will not yet be imported by this field allocation.




Note: Headings

If you use headings in the text file, please check the option 'Ignore first row'. This will prevent the headings from being imported as a student.



Note: Class alias

When the alias name of a class is used in the text file, you can also assign students to classes when the option is activated.


If the alias name of the class is used in the text file, you can also assign students to classes when the option is activated.



Clicking one final time on the <Import> button imports the student data.



Note: Existing students

Existing students are synchronised with the import data. To this end, WebUntis must be able to uniquely identify a student. For this reason it is best to import a unique student ID. Every school administration system normally has such an ID. Assign the field key (external) and select 'automatic' as student identifier.



You will now find the imported students under <Master data> | <Students>.