Student module

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The WebUntis Student module enables students to register for certain courses online.


The following steps should always be followed when working with WebUntis Student:


Create so-called course templates

Thesecourse templates serve as patterns for courses that are actually held. They are created only once and can be reused again and again.


Creating courses

Actual courses are created from the templates each school year (or term).

For example, the Italian course with 2 periods for students in years 10 – 12.


Specifying registration periods

A time period must be defined during which students may register for the courses.



Students can register for the planned courses online within the defined period. A difference should be made between advance registration, registration and standby registration.


Data transfer to Untis

The transfer of course registrations to Untis in order to first create the clusters with the courses module and finally to set up the timetable. Please refer to the course planning manual for detail of the work involved in Untis.