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WebUntis has its own internalmessaging system. In order to access this click in the top right corner on 'My messages'. You view messages in one of three folders: Inbox, Sent or Drafts




You can choose if you want to see all messages or only the unread messages. Furthermore you have a selection list where you can select a specific sender.


Click on <New> if you wish to create a new message. Click on the button 'Statistics of unread messages' in order to generate a report on unread messages.


Create a message


After writing the message and entering the subject, select one or more recipients.


If you wish to add a recipient, click on the user in question in the centre section, who will then be displayed in the recipient section (left). If you wish to remove a recipient, click on the user in the left section.


You can restrict the users displayed in the centre section with the help of a number of filters such as departments, class, user group or person role and then add all users to the recipients if necessary.





If you regularly send messages to a particular group of users, we recommend that you create distribution lists .



File attachments to messages


You can also attach files to your messages. Just click on the button <Attach file> and select the file you want to attach.





Formatting internal messages


You can now edit your messages by using the many options provided for formatting such as changing the font, colour or insert links.





New message


You will be informed of new incoming messages in the start screen immediately after logging in. If you click on this notification, your inbox will open where you can open the message in question by clicking on the <Edit> button.





Status of sent messages


As soon as a message sent by you has been read by the recipient, a '+' appears in front of the recipient's name (otherwise you will see a '-' for unread). This makes it very easy to see if a message has already reached the recipient or not.





Reply-to addresses


If a user has an e-mail address in his/her profile, internal WebUntis messages can be forwarded to this e-mail address.


As of the 2016 version the entered e-mail adress is used as reply-to address.


If there is no e-mail address added to the proifle, but the respective user is a person (e.g. a teacher), the e-mail address entered in the master data is used.


The entry of a reply-to address can be deactivated under <Administration> | <Settings>. You can globally enter a sender e-mail address, which usually will be a '' address.






As of the WebUntis 2016 version file attachments can also be forwarded by e-mail.