List of office hours

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Via <Timetable> | <Contact hours> you can access the contact hours of the selected week as a list. This list of contact hours contains exported master and lessons data from Untis. In Untis contact hours are created and scheduled as regular periods. What is really important is that subject master data for contact hours are explicitly marked by checking 'S' for contact hour (for German: Sprechstunde).


You can make contact hour lists publicly accessible and you can activate registration for contact hours. Just go to <Administration> | <Settings for the layout> | <Contact hours> and check the respective box.







Show e-mail addresses publicly

By checking this box you can define whether to show e-mail addresses of teachers in public contact hour lists.


Show pictures

You can save pictures of teachers. Go to <Master data> | <Teachers> | and click on the 'Import photo' button. They are shown in the contact hour list when you activate this option.


on appointment

If contact hours of some teachers cannot be scheduled but need to be made on appointment you can enter a message here which goes out to the parents/legal guardians to inform them. The default message is 'on appointment'.



The text you enter in this field will be displayed above the contact hour list. You can also enter her additional information for parents/legal guardians. An alternative would be to use the field 'Phone number of the school'. Go to <Administration> | <Settings> where you can enter a text and a telephone number.


Contact hour lists can also be exported as PDF-, CSV- and Excel files. E-mail addresses have a 'mail to' link, i.e. by clicking on the e-mail address you mail program opens automatically.


