Daily overview formats

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You can define formats for displaying the daily overview on your monitors via these settings.





Click on <Ney> for creating a new daily overview format.





In the respective daily overview format you can adjust the following settings:


Via For rooms show the , you can define which type of name should be displayed for a room, a subject or a class. The display names are defined as short or full names in the master data elements.

The function ' Shift relative to current date ' enables you to show future daily overviews. By entering e.g. 1, tomorrow’s daily overview will be displayed.

The Interval for data retrieval from server defines how often data are synchronised for the display.

The Scroll interval defines how fast the daily overview is displayed.

Via Show timetable (HH:mm) you can limit the displaying of the daily overview by entering a beginning and an end of displaying times.


Click on 'Show for this browser' and the required data will be displayed.