Untis' first 50 years

Travel through time, and learn more about Untis' history and the people behind the scenes.




before 1970

The early years - how it all began

Bernhard Gruber and Heinz Petters shared an early connection through their fascination with computers and programming. In January 1970, the two created their first timetable program for schools on the IBM mainframe computer S/360. Assembler was the programming language used then.

1970 | Founding Untis

In this building, Untis was founded on 7 January 1970.

It all began at the IBM building located on Vienna's Danube Canal. In a corridor, Bernhard Gruber and Heinz Petters worked on the first computer-aided optimisation of a timetable. It was important for them to have access to a puncher. (If you want to know what that is, you best have a look in a historic encyclopaedia on data processing ;-).

1972 | The first user meeting in Salzburg

Salzburg Meeting: Focusing on the user

Our Salzburg Meeting has changed over the years and decades, and today it is a platform used for intensive exchange on different levels: from school authorities to multipliers to countries. Additionally, the work of the past year is presented, innovations are introduced and ideas for the future are discussed.

1972 | name giving process

What does Untis stand for?

The name was given spontaneously based on the working title we had at that time, and it is still used. Untis is the abbreviation of the German word for lesson (UNTerricht) plus the English words Information and System (= Untis). "It was hip at that time to call everything an information system (IS). We couldn’t find anything better, so our company still is called Untis", explains founder Heinz Petters.

1978 | Head office in Stockerau, Lower Austria

The first office

In 1978, Gruber & Petters bought an appartment on the ground floor of Wolfikstraße 32, Stockerau, Lower Austria. It would be there first office.

1986 | pc-Untis

Untis for personal computers

In fall 1984, pc-Untis was used in real operation at schools for the first time. The first PC version of the timetable scheduling program Untis was introduced to about 70 invited guests at the Belvedereschlößl Palace in Stockerau, representing a big step forward.

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Untis makes your school life easy - since 1970

Our timetable optimisation makes the difference

What still makes the difference compared to other timetable software, is that Untis has a sophisticated timetable optimisation system based on the weighting of periods and additional requirements of the timetable. Every violation of a requirement increases the weighting of a period, and the sum total of the weights of all periods is the measure for the quality of the timetable in the end. The lower the better the quality of the timetable.


1995 | Anniversary

25 years Gruber&Petters

Up to the 2000s, only Bernhard Gruber and Heinz Petters worked on Untis. They were supported almost from the beginning by Christine Gruber, and later also by Christine Petters. The first non-family employee was Gerda Tischnofsky, who joined them in 1981. In 1995 all of them celebrated the 25th anniversary of Untis.

bis 2000

The 1990ies as headlines

In 1989: Colour! Our program works with color screens, and an international version of Untis is developed


In 1990 moving to our current headquarter in Stockerau, Belvederegasse 11


In 1992 Untis runs at 6000 schools, of which 2500 are in Germany, and is available in 18 languages


From 1995 to 1998: Decision for the operation system Windows


In 1998: All new under the name: Untis 99


2005 | WebUntis

WebUntis as browser application

Untis has continuously been developed and improved. In 1999, Martin Rösel joined the team. His idea: to create an online version. He was given a largely free hand for it. This entirely new approach to Untis, technically speaking but in part also content-wise, brought about a totally different view and with it, exciting discussions. In the end, WebUntis has proven to be an extremely important investment in the future.

Go to WebUntis
2006 | Paperless organisation is finally here

Start of the digital class register

The digital class register helps with organising things like student absences and entry of teaching contents. The number of users has, therefore, increased significantly: Every teacher now is a potential Untis user.

Go to class register
2011 | Untis Mobile

The app development begins

Smart phones are conquering the world, and Untis is starting to develop an app. From now on, the Untis Mobile app shows timetables and substitution schedules on the smart phones of students, parents and teachers.

More information on Untis Mobile
2013 | Market leader in timetables

More than 20,000 educational institutions work with Untis

More than 20,000 educational institutions world-wide use our products, from small primary schools to complex universities.

2015 | New organisation and management

Handover to the next generation

On 27 September, 2015, Bernhard Gruber celebrated his 71st birthday. At the beginning of October of the same year, all operative business was handed over to Untis GmbH, a 100% Gruber & Petters GmbH subsidiary. The new managing directors are Christian Gruber and Ruben Ruiz Torrubiano.


It is fascinating to see how communication at schools has changed over the past years. This is our motivation for finding solutions to facilitate everyday school life and make everyday school routine smoother. This is our purpose.

More information about us

At this point, we should perhaps reveal what significant impact this has had on our lives, on the history of our company, on our Untis product and now on the lives of our staff:

“We have been working on ONE piece of work for decades. If we were architects this would correspond to a building inhabited by thousands of people, which is continuously improved and re-designed. It is a very special feeling to create and take care of something – now together with many team members – which has an impact on the everyday lives of millions. It is a wonderful feeling.”  

2017 | A new building for Untis

Where we work determines how we work

In 2014, it became clear that our site at Belvederegasse 11 would soon be too small for all of us, so we started the construction of a new building for Untis in 2015. Untis GmbH's head office thus remains in Stockerau.


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Untis partners

A global network of partner companies helps us today as in the past to service our customers on site in the best possible way.

Part of our philosophy is to cherish a partnership with our customers and distributors. Today, 8 Untis partners in Germany and more than 50 Untis partners world-wide ensure the best possible service on site.

Find one of our partners close to you
2018 | Untis Mobile for the first time #1 in the app store

Untis Mobile ranked first place

Every beginning of the school year, our Untis Mobile app is ranked first place in the app store with over 4 million users.

2019 | Our team members

Despite continuous growth and development, Untis always adheres to its values: All of us want to make everything better.

Not only our software program has grown over the years, but so has our team. Untis is growing quickly and now employs more than 70 people in development, marketing & sales, support and administration.

Become a member of the Untis family
2019 | Untis cooperates with the tech start-up Grape

Untis Messenger kick-off

Together with Grape, Untis provides a safe alternative to WhatsApp with its Messenger. It is meant to make school communication significantly easier.

More information on Untis Messenger
2020 | Anniversary

Untis celebrates its fiftieth anniversary

In 2020, Bernhard Gruber and Heinz Petters celebrate the 50th anniversary of their company, and they love to look back, but also to look forward to the future of the company. Gruber & Petters has changed its name to Untis, the CEOs are Stefan Raffeiner and Christian Gruber, and more than 100 employees work in the development, marketing & sales, support and administration departments at sites in Stockerau and Vienna.

50 years of Untis in 3 minutes

Learn more about Untis’ history and the people behind the company. Have fun with our new anniversary movie.


To be continued ...

50 years of Untis - and still going on…

because we have big plans.