Privacy considerations for activation of WebUntis platform integrations

Via the WebUntis platform third-party applications (“integrations”) can be activated and integrated. This may necessitate exchanging personal data with the provider of the third-party application and has consequences for privacy compliance.

This page aims to provide additional corresponding information to you, such that you can make informed decisions and ensure your privacy compliance.

Things to consider for integration activation 

On activation of an integration, the integration partner becomes data processor as per your instruction for processing of personal data in your responsibility. Please ensure, that there is an appropriate contractual relationship with the integration partner. There are two possibilities for this:

  • You sign a data processing agreement ("DPA") with the integration partner, or
  • Untis engages the integration partner as sub- data processor (for the purpose of operating and providing the integration to you). In this case, there is nothing more to do for you. This case currently applies to the following integrations:
    • Untis Development (school year calendar, grades)
    • eAssistent Messenger
    • IServ Messenger
    • Klassengeld
    • Sdui Messenger
    • Teachino

Integration partners, which Untis engages as sub- data processors, are mentioned also in the DPA between you and Untis. You can find this DPA at



We are available to assist you with any questions

Untis GmbH
Belvederegasse 11 
A-2000 Stockerau
UID ATU69811938, FNr 437283p, Regional court Korneuburg 

T: +43 2266 62241