Substitution planning
Get the best tool for substitutions
Which teachers are available as substitutions if a teacher gets ill? Are there potentially any standby teachers available? Is it perhaps possible for a period to be held earlier? The module most used worldwide supports you with powerful tools for substitution control, standby planning, events, swaps and much more.
If a teacher is absent, the open periods need to be distributed among the other teachers. The Substitution planning module provides you with solution suggestions with only one click to guarantee smooth operation even if a teacher is absent. You instantly see who among the teachers is available. Untis also shows you who among the teachers teaches the subject which needs to be substituted, and who already knows the class which needs substitution. Just one click and you see if other periods can be held earlier, and you of course also have the possibility to let Untis automatically schedule open substitution periods.
Statistics are also very important in everyday school life. Just a few clicks and you can generate different overviews, e.g. how many substitution periods and cancellations a teacher has already had in a certain time range. You specify which types of cancellation are counted negatively and which are not.