Online substitution planning

The web-based solution for organising your daily timetable

Flexible and fast scheduling of any substitutions online

Our web-based solution allows you to quickly and flexibly react to changes in the timetable on short notice, and to schedule any necessary substitutions. You can substitute a teacher immediately online. 

Everybody involved is informed on the substitution by one click, and the substation scheduler always keeps control.


You can schedule any substitions online with WebUntis

Report ill via Untis Mobile app

Depending on the settings, teachers can report ill via our Untis Mobile app, or the administration or the Directorate enter their absence.

The teacher’s absence is directly integrated into the online substitution planning, and the consequent open substitutions are automatically calculated for every absence. Therefore, the substitution scheduler instantly knows for which periods they need to find a solution.


Read more on our Untis Mobile app

Substitutions due to activities

Open substitutions can occur due to absence reports by teachers but also due to activities such as excursions or additional lessons.

In such a case, the substitution scheduler simply enters the respective activity into the online cover planning and the consequent open substitutions are processed.


It's so easy to quickly find a suitable substitute teacher

Open substitution periods are immediately visible in your online cover planning, and the scheduler can select from several possibilities: cancellation, supervision or substitution.

In the case of a substitution, the scheduler immediately receives information on possible substitute teachers, e.g.: Is the teacher available at the required time? Does the teacher know the class they are going to supervise? Does the teacher teach the respective subject they are going to substitute?

The scheduler is provided with automatically generated suggestions on the basis of all the information available, and the adequate substitute teacher can be selected quickly and easily. 

Inform or ask the teacher about the possible substitute period beforehand

The selected substitute teacher will immediately receive a push message on their smart phone via Untis Mobile app telling them about the new substitution.

Alternatively, you can ask the teacher beforehand, whether or not they agree to substitute a certain period via push message, and only after the teacher agreed to take over, the substitute teacher will be added to the substitute period. 

Read more on our Untis Mobile app

Preparation for a substitute period

Absent teachers can add a note for the substitute teacher to every period.

Additionally, the substitute teacher can have a look in the digital class register which teaching content the respective period holds, so that they can prepare best for the substitute period. 

Read more on our Digital class register

Changes immediately up-dated

After adequate teachers are found for all open substitutions, the up-dated timetable can be published for everybody. Everybody involved will see the changes in the timetable, and will be up-to-date no matter where they are. 

Keep control with the substitution counter

With just a few clicks, the substitution counter shows the substitution scheduler, how many cancellations and substitution periods a teacher had in a certain time range. The scheduler can define which type of cancellation are counted negatively and which are not.

This provides the substitution scheduler with even more information in order to be able to find an adequate substitute teacher. The number of cancellations and periods substituted by the respective teacher can be seen online in cover planning, and are included into automatic substitute suggestions. 

Want to know more about online cover planning?

Have a look at our WebUntis demo slide show and get a first glimpse of WebUntis.

This is how well-organised your everyday work would be with Untis!

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Teacher Callas does not feel well and cannot hold her lessons.
Teacher and substitute scheduler Cervantes must quickly find an adequate substitute for her colleague Callas.
Substitute teacher Ander receives a push message and prepares for the substitute lesson.
Student Benjamin opens his up-dated timetable on his smart phone before his lessons start.
Teacher Cervantes' first lesson starts with checking her students' presence.
Teacher Cervantes makes a class register entry in her first teaching lesson of the day.
During lunch break, teacher Cervantes sends an interesting newspaper article to her biology class 2a.
In her NTP (non-teaching period), teacher Cervantes prepares her excursion with her biology class 2a on Friday.
Teacher Cervantes asks herself, whether the parents of class 2a have already read her message on their excursion on Friday.
Student Benjamin's parents register online for the up-coming parent-teacher day.
The term comes to an end, and scheduling (the timetable) for the following school year starts.

All Modules





Teachers can make simple changes, such as changing a room, themselves and they also can schedule additional events.

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Online timetable scheduling

Simple timetables can be scheduled or optimised online.

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Online substitution planning

React to any changes. Manage substitution planning online or via the app. New features such as a substitution exchange include your colleagues immediately.

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Class register

Paperless organisation is finally here! The electronic class register makes your school process digital. Absences and teaching contents can be entered and evaluated online. Additionally, you can manage grades.

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Parent-teacher day

Parents, legal guardians and training enterprises can register online for appointments on parent-teacher days.

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Provide students with the opportunity to register online for a course, and therefore digitalise elaborate processes.

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Mit dem Schuljahreskalender für WebUntis (made by Untis Development) können Schultermine und Veranstaltungen zielgruppengenau angelegt und in Form eines Kalenders oder einer Liste angezeigt werden.

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Mit dem Modul Noten (made by Untis Development) können Noten flexibel strukturiert, eingetragen, dargestellt und übersichtlich veranschaulicht werden.

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Untis Mobile App

With our official smartphone and tablet app for Android, iOS you always have your updated timetable at hand which makes you more flexible and more mobile.

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Integrierte Messenger

Unsere vier Messenger-Drittanbieter bieten eine datenschutzkonforme Alternative zu WhatsApp & Co und ermöglichen somit eine schnelle und sichere Schulkommunikation.

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WebUntis keeps you up-dated all the time, you keep control of everything and have more time for the important tasks in your everyday school routine. With different applications for all platforms:  At your computer at school, via internet at home and via your smart phone or tablet when you are on tour.

Experience a demonstration of our program for an insight into its diversity of features and functions.


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