Schedule smarter with Untis
Choosing Untis means that you decide for a software solution, which will facilitate your everyday school life and which will give you more time to concentrate on other very important issues.
Schedule lessons with Untis
Untis assists you in creating a timetable suitable for your school.
Creating complex timetables, quickly finding an adequate substitution or an unoccupied room, planning of teaching units and break supervisions are only a few administrative tasks which need to be managed in a school. Untis, the leading timetable software, not only supports you by fully automatically creating timetables according to individual requirements but also with many other administrative tasks even beyond creating a timetable. With Untis, everybody is always up-to-date, you have everything under control and you have more time to concentrate on other very important issues.
WebUntis supports you in managing administrative tasks online.
WebUntis, our online extension, keeps everybody involved – students, parents and teachers – always and everywhere up-to-date on time, subject, class and room of the lesson by their individual and daily up-dated timetables and substitution schedules. Additionally, you can manage online administrative tasks effectively and in a structured way.
- Online timetable scheduling: You can schedule und optimise simple timetables with WebUntis.
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- Online substitution scheduling: With this web-based solution, you can react immediately to a change and schedule substitutions online.
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