'Exams' window

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The 'Exams' window can be called either from the menu via 'Modules | Course scheduling | Exams' or using the button of this name in the 'Course scheduling' toolbar.


You can specify courses and times/dates for exams via the ' Exam scheduling ' window. However, if you already know when an exam is to take place in which course, you can create exams in the 'Exams' window direct.





The 'Exams' window is divided into two parts. The exam list in the left window pane displays the exams that have been defined while the exam dialogue in the right pane serves to display and enter data for the exam selected on the left. Abrief description of the indivdual functions of the exam dialogue follows:


New exam

In contrast to the majority of all Untis windows you need to click this button before you can enter the details of a new exam. After you have entered all details, click <OK> for saving them.



Just like in the exam scheduling window you can either select individual courses or all courses of a cluster.



When you specify an exam for a course, all students in the course will be entered for the exam. If you have entered a statistics code in the field Stat. code(s) , only those students will be imported which have the respective statistics code in their data. (cf. Not all students .)


You can also add individual students (who perhaps are not in the course) to the exam using the <Selection…> button under 'Students'.


If, on the other hand, there are students who are not to take the exam, you can simply select them and remove them from the exam with <DEL>.



In contrast to the ' Exams scheduling ' window, you can also assign teachers and rooms to an exam in the 'Exams' window. You can see here whether a teacher teaches in one of the courses assigned to the exam and whether a teacher or room is already booked for a lesson at the time in question.





Input from the selection dialogue also works for several selected rows, meaning that the same teacher or room can be entered in several periods at the same time. By clicking the respective button you can allocate the teacher of the course and the room in which the course usually takes place.


Additionally you can enter several supervision teachers in the fields Teacher and Rooms .


